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 Athlon 64 X2 DualCore 4400 for Esprimo E5600

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Брой мнения : 6
Registration date : 20.07.2011

Athlon 64 X2 DualCore 4400 for Esprimo E5600 Empty
ПисанеЗаглавие: Athlon 64 X2 DualCore 4400 for Esprimo E5600   Athlon 64 X2 DualCore 4400 for Esprimo E5600 EmptyСря Юли 20, 2011 6:28 am

Before some days I have purchased Athlon 64 X2 DualCore 4400 for Esprimo E5600. I have then swapped the CPU and booted it. But the error was encountered. First I booted with the Windows & 64 bit than with 32 bit but both time I encountered the same message i.e ‘Hardware Malfuntioning’. Then I tried installing the windows XP and it worked fine. Can any one of you figure out what was the cause of it ?
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Athlon 64 X2 DualCore 4400 for Esprimo E5600
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